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Pima County District 5
Office of Supervisor Adelita S. Grijalva


District Five is the most urban of the five Pima County Supervisor districts as most of the district’s residents are within the City of Tucson. It encompasses 140 square miles, covering the west side south of Ironwood Hills/Grant Road, including Tucson Mountain Park, and extending south to Hermans Road to include the Pascua Yaqui Reservation. It includes midtown between Grant Road and Broadway to Wilmot Road. The eastern boundary south of Broadway is South 12th Avenue past Ajo Way to jog over to South Park Avenue and Nogales Highway.


District Five includes four college campuses – the University of Arizona and Pima Community College’s West, Desert Vista, and Downtown campuses.

District Five also includes schools from two different school districts – Sunnyside Unified School District and Tucson Unified School District.


The Sunnyside Unified schools in District 5 – Star Academic High School, Apollo Middle School, Challenger Middle School, Elvira Elementary School, Liberty Elementary School, Mission Manor Elementary School, and Santa Clara Elementary School.


The Tucson Unified Schools in District 5 – Catalina High School, Catalina Online Learning Experience, Cholla High School, Mary Meredith K-12, Pueblo High School, Rincon High School, Tucson High Magnet School, University High School, C.E. Rose K-8 School, Lawrence 3-8 School, Mansfeld Middle Magnet School, Mary Belle McCorkle Academy of Excellence K-8, Morgan Maxwell K-8 School, Pistor Middle School, Roskruge Bilingual K-8 Magnet, Valencia Middle School, Blenman Elementary School, Davis Bilingual Elementary Magnet School, Grijalva Elementary School, Johnson Primary, Howell Elementary School, Lynn/Urquides Elementary School, Maldonado Elementary School, Manzo Elementary School, Miller Elementary School, Oyama Elementary School, Sam Hughes Elementary School, Sewell Elementary School, Tolson Elementary School, Tully Elementary School, Warren Elementary School, White Elementary School, and Wright Elementary School. 


Within District Five are two hospitals – St. Mary’s Hospital and Banner University Medical Center North. Abutting the district are Tucson Medical Center and St. Joseph’s Hospital.


District Five is home to eight of the Pima County System’s 27 libraries – Joel D. Valdez Main, Richard Elías Mission, Frank de la Cruz El Pueblo, Valencia, El Rio, Himmel Park, Martha Cooper, and Southwest.


District Five Demographics:


  • 2023 estimated population – 213,157

  • 2023 population aged 18+ -- 167,730 (79%)

  • Indigenous/Native American – 5.5%

  • Black/African American – 4.0%

  • Asian American – 2.6%

  • Pacific Islander – 0.2%

  • Hispanic/Latino – 55.1%

  • Non-Hispanic White – 32.0%

  • Total Percentage People of Color – 67.8%

  • 2023 Median Household Income -- $50,421

  • 2023 Average (Mean) Household Income – $70,808

  • 2023 Per Capita Income -- $27,875

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Adelita Grijalva, Vice Chair of the Pima County Board of Supervisors and District 5 Supervisor, was the first Latina elected to the Board of Supervisors in 2020 and the first Latina, and only the second woman, to serve as Chair. She is a native Tucsonan, educated through public schools, and has served in elected office for nearly 24 years, with 20 of those as a Governing Board Member for the Tucson Unified School District, Southern Arizona’s largest public school system.


Adelita is a strong advocate for the needs of Pima County and has championed working with coalitions to address the biggest issues facing our community, including housing people can afford, public education, environmental quality and climate resiliency, and healthy and safe communities. She is proud that organizations dedicated to diversity, inclusion, education, and equity for all have supported her throughout her career.


Adelita worked at a non-profit organization for 26 years before joining Pima County and was dedicated to helping court-involved youth and their families through a juvenile court diversion program. She believes strongly that private and public partnerships can bring positive change in our community. Adelita currently serves on the YWCA of Southern Arizona Board of Directors, the Parent Advisory Board for Mariachi Aztlán de Pueblo High School, the Visit Tucson Board of Directors and the Pima Association of Governments and Regional Transporation Authority Boards. 


Adelita is currently serving her second term on the Pima County Board of Supervisors and lives in Tucson with her husband Sol and their three children, Adelina, Raúl and Joaquín. She is the proud daughter of Congressman Raúl Grijalva.  


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